Take a step back. Take a deep breath. Have faith. Take a second to let it all sink in. Try to see things in a different perspective. Have you been working hard? Have you been playing harder? Have you been taking care of your friends, lovers, supporters, and family? Have a second to think about the answer. Go ahead, take two.

It’s always best to keep it moving but sometimes we run too fast for our own good. We get caught up with the hype, we get caught up in the moment, we try too hard sometimes.

I need you to think about what’s important. Chip away everything that doesn’t register a 6 and above on your 10-point-scale of important things in your life. You don’t need to do one million things to feel fulfilled. You just have to scale it down to the very few things that you do very well with love, passion, and obsession. F#*k 40 hour work weeks. Don’t let yourself be conned into the rat race. Imagine, create, build, innovate, collaborate.

Don’t lose your Passion. Sustenance for the tired body, energy for the weakened spirit…Passion, with focused reason, fuels the desire to achieve goals, dreams, and allow us to hang on during impossible times in life. Passion makes the good life better.

Have Pride in what you do. Look people straight in the eye with a smile that radiates competence and intelligence. Walk straight, upright, with a purpose.

Never forget Family. It takes a conscious effort to build one’s family, whether bonded by blood, experiences, emotions, or the pull and attraction of our souls gravities. The relationships that we keep and nourish, the people who we genuinely care for and love, people who we consider as Family.

Once it all sinks in you’ll realize it’s more than enough to get you through the next hurdle. Wake up everyday and be thankful.

PLUS63 Festival Sets the Stage in Manila

Insightfully Stupid with SOLID OK

Clotheslines and Storylines