Since its birth in 2008, Better Off Dead (BOD) has been a thought-provoking leader in the independent clothing movement, with their intelligent, cynical, and satirical comments on pop-culture. In this collection, BOD brings to light chosen metaphors rooted in Sadomasochism (S&M). While S&M is known as the experience of giving or receiving pleasure through pain, BOD relates this concept to the “giving or receiving of pain and pleasure… through purchase.” This theme explores the relationship of purchasing products that result in afflicting both pain and pleasure (depending on the perspective) on willing buyers. This S&M collection takes it’s cues from BOD’s original best-selling design: “Hérmes BDSM,”—with an additional 3 designs entitled “Dominatrix,” “Bondage,” and “Latex.”

This collection is available at the Anti-Anti E-Store now.

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