Be ready with your pen and paper, because Red Bull Doodle Art is coming to the Philippines, with the theme “Where Does The Mind Go?”. After seven hugely successful years abroad, this innovative competition that takes doodling to the next level will be accepting applications from Filipino students for the first time this 2014.

To participate, students need to sign up at and upload their artwork, where it will feature in an online gallery. Out of all the applications, there will be 20 finalists selected in the Philippines, chosen through public online voting.

Doodle Art judge Archie Geotina (more info at will then select the National Winner based on the following categories:

  • Creativity: 10 points (max)
  • Overall Style: 10 points (max)
  • Aggregated Facebook likes: 10 Points (max)

The application phase in Manila, Philippines starts on August 1, 2014 and ends on September 5, 2014. The exhibitions take place on campuses all over the world, giving students and the general public the opportunity to participate and to admire these forms of creative art.

The Final Gallery Night will take place at Secret Fresh (Ronac Art Center/Ortigas) on September 20th – where the Philippine winner will be announced. The top doodler of the country will get a chance to attend the global gallery exhibition in Cape Town, South Africa to compete against artists from 40 other countries in the hopes of winning an exclusive Red Bull design internship.

Doodling is a great, fun way of expressing yourself. Anyone can take part and, who knows, maybe it will be you flying to Cape Town to present your doodle!

There’s no reason to wait! Get doodling today:

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