Halloween is just around the corner! Now, you’ve got an excuse to dress all weird and scary and get away with it. But if you’re scrambling to find something to wear, you’ve come to the right place. Check out this list of great costume ideas from characters from TV shows and movies!

Elliot – Mr. Robot

Elliot Alderson is a hacker, and the lead character of Mr. Robot – a huge breakout show on TV this year. For a character so complex, going as him for Halloween is pretty simple. Just mix a black hoodie with a blank stare and a good serving of social awkwardness and you’re all set!

Sheldon Cooper – The Big Bang Theory

It’s pretty easy to dress up as the star of this hit highbrow TV comedy! Just pair a superhero shirt with a goofy smile and be very generous with use of the word “Bazinga!”

Jess – New Girl

If you’ve got big eyes and love all things cute and twee, then you could go as Zooey Deschanel’s character on New Girl! Look for the most offbeat and quirky dress in your closet and don’t forget the bangs!

Olivia Pope – Scandal

Want to go as Olivia Pope for Halloween? It’s handled! Just slip on a power suit, put on your toughest face and carry on like you’re better than everyone else!

Time Lord – Doctor Who

Time Lords are extraterrestrial beings found on Dr. Who. If you’ve got some serious arts and crafts skills, as well as access to a whole lot of Styrofoam, gold, and glitter, you’ll have a pretty out of this world costume for Halloween.

Neo – The Matrix

Ready the shades and don lots of black if your plan is to dress like The One for Halloween. To add to the believability, it’d be good to learn some kung fu.

Oliver Queen – Arrow

Billionaire playboy Oliver Queen’s alter ego is a super choice for a Halloween costume. Find a hood, a bow & arrow and a bit of face paint. But if you don’t have the six-pack abs, we can’t do anything about that.

Barry Allen – The Flash

If you don’t have a huge supply of red leather, it’ll still be a Flash to pull off dressing as Barry Allen for Halloween! Get a clean-cut hairdo, go dapper, and throw on a Flash t-shirt!

Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is one of the most lovable characters in movies. And running with the idea of going as him for Halloween is pretty easy. Just look for a tan suit, a checkered shirt and a crisp white pair of Nikes.

John Constantine

A black suit, white shirt, and black tie are all you need to blaze through Halloween as John Constantine, the badass exorcist from the “Hellblazer” comics. Don’t forget the roughneck attitude and the devil may care swagger.

You can find all these characters on iflix. Sign up today and enjoy tens of thousands of hours of TV shows & movies on wherever and whenever on a gadget of your choice. Get a 30-day trial subscription today at iflix.com!

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