adidas Originals recently announced its collaborative project with the makers of iconic animé series Dragon Ball Z, Toei Animation. Following the chronicles of the world renowned anime and manga, the collaboration features seven silhouettes from the adidas Originals roster carefully curated and re-imagined to represent the characteristics of protagonists and antagonists of the show.


Each release is launched by pair; one hero and one villain. The first two pairs, ZX 500 RM and Yung-1, mirrors the legendary battle between two of Dragon Ball Z’s most renowned hero and villain, Son Goku and Frieza. Following this, the project moves to the Deerupt and Prophere, representing Son Gohan and Cell. Then the final battle project, the Ultra Tech and Kamanda silhouettes made-up in the image of Vegeta and Majin Buu. With the culmination of all 7 Dragonballs, the collaboration will be finished with the appearance of Shenron the Dragon, which is re-imagined as the EQT Support Mid ADV PK. adidas will be dropping the pairs monthly starting September to December 2018.


“adidas is an exceptional partner and it’s been a delight working with their creative team to bring this exciting collaboration to life,” said Masayuki Endo, President of Toei Animation Inc. “Their artistic vision adds a new chapter to the ongoing story of Dragon Ball’s merchandising success and we can’t wait for fans to discover what’s been created.”

adidas Originals by Dragon Ball Z will be available for purchase on September 29, 2018 in select adidas Originals stores, eCom and retailers. The ZX 500 RM and Yung-1 will retail for Php10,000 and Php8,000 respectively.

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