The 2019 Philippine Senatorial Elections are right around the corner. While the candidates are gearing up for their big day, voters are (hopefully) thinking of the best candidates to vote for.

If you were looking for a guide on who to vote for, then sorry, this isn’t about that. Instead, we’ll set aside all the crazy shit going on for now and get a good laugh out it. Your local radio or TV station may blast election-related news, but the internet stays undefeated with funny content that most of us Filipinos can relate to.

Before we get to the funny part, please do cast your vote. Don’t just vote solely because of individual or party platforms. Our choices must be linked to ethics that we believe will change our country for the better. So go out there, and vote!

Okay, forget about the excessive campaign posters for a while, and check out some of the most hilarious campaign giveaways we’ve seen on the internet:

Check out Tarlac Board Member candidate Dan Canlas’ “Inuman Starter Pack”. We’re not sure what he’s trying to say here but hey, at least he’s bringing the party to you, right?

Photos c/o Alak Pinas Facebook Page

There are some politicians that are a little more responsible with their giveaways by making sure you have no excuse to skip your chores like the free dish sponges sent out by Batangas Councilor runner Ren Maramot, and don’t forget your dishwashing liquid thanks to Councilor Armand Padilla! Now go and make your mama proud.

Photo c/o Israel Ramos/Facebook

Photo c/o Prince Tuazon/Facebook

This next campaign giveaway isn’t exactly the funniest, but we gotta say that we appreciate Councilor Bevan Bencito’s.

In a Facebook post, netizen A M Dimapilis Locaylocay shared she was pleased with re-election hopeful Councilor Bevan Bencito’s giveaway saying, “Imbis na candy yung ipamigay nya [sic] sa kampanya ang binigay nya [sic] ay seeds na pwedeng itanim. Nice one!👏🌱”



Now last and most certainly not the least, among the many giveaways that we’ve seen this campaign season, this next one is probably the most…unique.

Atty. Larry Valdez knows what’s up, handing out rolling paper as giveaways. Progressive? We don’t know. Confused? Yes, we are. A little.

Video c/o Marc Pinlac/Facebook

But hey, whatever you’re rolling in that paper, make sure to VOTE.

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