Don Papa, everyone’s favorite premium Filipino rum, is known not just for their quality taste but also for their unique and award-winning packaging design. Since 2015, the brand has opened opportunities for Filipino artists to have their own designs produced on limited edition canisters through the Don Papa Rum Art Competition.

The art competition has come out with four winning works in the past, all of which have collectively sold 100,000 canisters worldwide. Now on its 5th year, artists are called to design the Don Papa logo with the theme Flora and Fauna of Sugarlandia in mind.

The theme, inspired by the island of Negros where Don Papa is made, asks artists to highlight “lush and fertile land where not only sugar cane thrives but also a diverse ecosystem of plants and animals” and imbue it with magical yet realist elements. Don Papa encourages artists to reimagine their logo and not to consider its current design, allowing applicants freedom in how they express their vision.

Samuel Penaso’s Botany was chosen as last year’s winning entry.

Interested artists can read the full guidelines and register through this link until December 20, 2019, while the deadline for works runs through January 1-11, 2020. The top ten chosen artworks will exhibit their works, digitized and mocked up into a canister for the Don Papa exhibit at Art Fair Philippines 2020, where the winner will also be announced.

The grand prize winner of this year’s competition will win an all-expenses-paid 4-week Artistic Residence Sojourn in Barcelona to be sponsored by the Bleeding Heart Rum Company, inclusive of roundtrip tickets, accommodation and allowance, and artwork features on social media, newsletters, and other channels of media. Other awards, like the Artistic Merit Award and People’s Choice Award, will include cash prizes, cases of Don Papa rum, and features on social media and brand collaterals.

For more updates, you can check out Don Papa’s website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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