Under enhanced community quarantine, many of us have suddenly found ourselves with a lot of free time on our hands, or are simply looking for new ways to keep ourselves distracted from the anxiety of everything that’s going on.

Here are are a couple of hobbies anyone can pick up and try from the safety of home.


If you want to get into crafting but can’t go out to buy supplies, upcycling might just be the way to go. A creative and environmentally friendly way to bring trash back to life and even better than before, upcycling is the most fun way you can keep waste down. Upcycle That is the perfect place to discover how you can transform various items and materials found in your home and give them a much needed, functional upgrade.

Friendship bracelet-making

Who said these are just for kids? Friendship bracelet making is one of the easiest and most therapeutic ways to pass the time, and all you’ll need are some yarn or thread, scissors, and something to hold it in place. Do it while bingeing new Netflix series, talking to your friends on Zoom, or listening to your favorite podcasts. There are a ton of tutorials all over Youtube, but you can check this vide out to get you started.

Magic card tricks

A deck of cards usually only appears in our day-to-day when a round of poker or pusoy dos with the barkada is about to take place. With the current situation, that’s not really possible right now. But instead of letting it collect dust, you can put that deck to good use by learning a couple of card tricks. By the time lockdown ends, you’ll have an arsenal of impressive new moves to show your friends that can break the ice at any party. Learn everything there is to know from this card trick master.

Yoga and meditation

With all this stress surrounding us, it’s always a good idea to take time out of the day to cleanse our minds and detox, as well as insert a little exercise into the daily rotation. Yoga doesn’t require much to get started other than your willingness to learn, and while signing up and following their routines are free, Do Yoga With Me is offering two months access to premium content for free while everyone’s currently stuck at home.

Wikipedia editing

If you’re particularly passionate about any single thing and have some niche stock knowledge you’d like to put to use, Wikipedia editing might just be your new favorite pastime. You don’t have to register, and any unprotected page can be edited by absolutely anyone. If you’ve ever been frustrated by the lack of information about any specific topic on the site, now’s your chance to fix it.

Learn how to begin here.

Learn how to cook or try out some new recipes

Cooking may not be niche but it can certainly be addictive. For those who haven’t had a chance to test their skills, this is the perfect time to learn the basics.

On the other hand, seasoned at-home-chefs can use this time to learn new recipes and experiment. Epicurious has more than enough recipes to go around, so any kind of cook can try their hand at tonight’s family dinner and spice up the routine.

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