There are a multitude of ways that the millennial generation express themselves and their individuality. Throughout the years, Philippine society has seen an impressive growth for this group of emerging youth in terms of a more developed taste in the arts, culinary experiences and, of course, an elevated fashion sense.

From teenagers fresh out of high school to climbing-up-the-corporate-ladder yuppies, this discriminating love for fine art, whether it be a kind of appreciation or an adaptation into a lifestyle, is slowly becoming a common practice. Brought about by the digital era, information on the latest trends and hippest “want-to-haves” has never been so easy. With a touch of a button or a simple click, imaginations are awakened and the door to endless possibilities are opened to exploration.

This then, brings us to the landscape of sneaker culture. Owning a pair is one, but taking that first step with it? This becomes a whole different story—a story that The Outlet People, through Capital, wants to help you create. The definitive moment of owning a pair of sneakers you’ve once only admired from afar not only marks your sartorial prowess, but it also establishes your unique personality. Capital helps you pave the way for a new shoe movement that celebrates your individuality and inimitable charm.

Consumers are assured that the Capital experience goes beyond regular shoe shopping. Capital personnel are also enthusiasts who revel in their love for kicks. In effect, this creates a community of shared interests and an understanding of the story behind every shoe release.

Located in UP Town Center, Capital carries sought-after shoe brands such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, New Balance, Asics Tiger, and Fred Perry. It will also open two more branches at Circuit Makati and Uptown BGC late this year. Popular European street brands MiPac, Hype and Cayler & Sons will also be exclusively available in Capital.

Join #Capital_PH in the newest, freshest #NewShoeMovement #GovernedBySoles and dive into the pleasure of celebrating one’s passion for kicks and self-expression.

Don’t miss out: join the Capital movement.

Growing Pains: Nero Metro

Life’s A Moodboard

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