“We’re committed to creating only the best for athletes and that’s exactly what we’ve done with the disruptive design of Alphaskin,” said Rob Lee, VP of design for adidas Training.

Adidas Alphaskin, the new base layer tech for athletic use just may revolutionize sport tights. The new design features functionality that eliminates friction between skin and fabric in critical areas of movement by the human body. Lee adds, “after taking a deep dive into their movements, needs and culture, we created a performance layer that keeps up with all of those elements.”

The Alphaskin tech behaves more like its own layer of the wearer’s skin rather than something like compression garments. By eliminating the friction between skin and fabric, Alphaskin removes all unnecessary distractions for the athlete.

Adidas claims Alphaskin was made with the intention of allowing the athlete and the base layer garment to move as a single unit as opposed to a human wearing tight garments. Essentially, the athlete moves as pure athleticism itself, with no hindrances from external wearables. “By using our highly advanced ARAMIS system instead of a traditional static mannequin for testing, we were able to understand how to make Alphaskin and athlete’s bodies move as one,” says adidas.

Alphaskin tech comes in three forms namely 360, Tech, and Sport. Alphaskin 360 provides the highest compression for ultimate seamless distraction elimination, while Alphaskin Tech gives mid-level compression with Climachill for a cooler core temperature, and Alphaskin Sport is the lightest of compressions with Climacool to keep the wearer dry while still supported. The three levels are designed to provide for each athlete’s individual preference.

Among the first adapters of Alphaskin includes renowned model Karlie Kloss and Portland Trailblazers guard Damian Lillard who says, “as soon as I put Alphaskin on, I’m ready to step on the court. I feel locked in and ready to work when I’m wearing it.”

The Alphaskin is available at Php 1,500-5,300 on the adidas E-Com at shop.adidas.com.ph.

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