Mark Redito, a Filipino electronic musician recognized in Los Angeles for his tropical dance music and electronic Japanese pop-inspired tracks drops his latest single “Everything Felt Right”.

The latest single features the instant connection found between two strangers from the red Solo cup-holding, thrill-seeking crowd. It describes the eccentric energy felt when two strangers share that very first eye contact as they vibe to the music on the dance floor, and having the intensity of curious connection. As the song suggests, when that moment happens–everything indeed felt right.

Mark was asked, what happened that night when everything felt right? He replied philosophically with another question,

“Does it even matter? I also didn’t address if anything ever came of that meeting.” The song is not necessarily concerned with celebrating the ‘happily ever after’ but I wanted to encapsulate that rare moment of connection with a total stranger as you find out that, maybe we’re not so different from each other after all.”

Mark Redito’s tracks kept on evolving. From hyper-dance playlists, to deep beats and chill mix. This single, in particular, is something you would close your eyes, and dance alone to–or otherwise.

Everything Felt Right will be released on September 27, 2018

Follow Mark Redito’s on Instagram: @markredito 

Listen to Mark’s tracks here:


Let Your Sol Speak

Still Bloomin’

Bless Your Ears with Beautiful Chaos – St. Vincent to Rock Manila’s Stage