While we all may be settled into our “new normal” daily routines at home by now, a lot of us are still trying to find ways to stay fit–and most importantly, motivated–in the absence of gyms.

Lucky for us, several studios all over Manila are offering online classes via Zoom or by sharing alternative home workouts for those of us that don’t have equipment on-hand. Wherever you are and whether you’re trying to stay on track or begin your fitness journey, maybe one of these local studios will be the right fit for you.

The Movement Studio

If sticking to a workout and exercising consistently are problems you encounter often and even more so now that you’re stuck at home, The Movement Studio might just be the perfect place for you. Aimed at breaking the habit of starting and stopping different fitness routines over and over again, they’re here to help you stay fit through cardio and athletic strength training for full-body workouts that keep you excited for the next round. All about “sustainable fitness,” The Movement Studio is in it with you for the long-term.

Saddle Row

If you’ve already got a stationary bike or a rowing machine set up at home, Saddle Row’s the way to go. But even if you don’t, the studio also offers different classes off the bike from cardio to strength. If you’re really serious about getting on the indoor cycling or rowing train though, Saddle Row has got you covered, selling class packages with equipment included and yours for the taking.

Treehouse Yoga

Treehouse Yoga is a studio that caters to everyone, from beginners to regular yogis. Start or end your day with a 75-minute session to align yourself and destress, or take a 45-minute break in the middle of the day to re-energize. All you need is a mat, some space to stretch out, and your laptop set up in front of you.

Sweat Stadium Fitness

Sweat Stadium Fitness and their crew prove that building strength can be done with what you’ve already got right at home. They’ve got a list of HIIT and functional workouts you can easily do in your backyard or living room, including modifications you can do in place of equipment, up on their official Facebook account.


Plana FORMA is a little different from the workout you’re used to, known for utilizing the barre technique, a low-impact, high-intensity workout inspired by elements of ballet, yoga, Pilates, and strength training. And just like the art form it’s inspired by, it’s a hell of a lot harder than it looks. While the studio is equipped with a barre and other equipment for workouts, Plana FORMA’s at-home classes easily substitute all that with chairs for a makeshift barre and filled water bottles for weights.

Other Movement

Not to be mistaken with The Movement Studio, Other Movement is a studio that offers yoga and HIIT classes that, while on two ends of the fitness spectrum, get you sweaty, burning, and energized at the end of it. OM’s online classes can also be streamed live or watched when the workout is over, so you can tailor your workouts to your schedule without any pressure.

Electric Studio

Electric Studio is another cycling studio that offers classes on and off the bike. From cycling, boxing, HIIT, strength training, to flow, the studio is a whole package that offers full-body workouts for anyone and everyone. And just like Saddle Row, Electric Studio also rents out and sells bikes for those really interested in getting into the indoor cycling world from the comfort of home.

Take some of this extra time you’ve got to look after your body and burn your stress away while you’re at it. Whether you’re a beginner or at athlete-level (or striving to get there), each of these studios has definitely got something for you.

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